Friday 17 January 2014


Is SFI a slow moving or a get-rich-quick kind of business? People who join SFI often ask the same question, when will I get my money – when will I be paid? Maybe they have not read what SFI says when they join. Nowhere does it say that they are being hired for a job or that they will get paid just for joining.

In fact SFI is a really serious business, where both time and money involvement are required. You can do more of one and less of the other to balance out the kind of investment made.... however, investment either of cash or kind or both - does have to be made in order to succeed in this business.

True, SFI has been exceedingly generous with us and given us many, many freebies. Also true that there is never any pressure on us to buy anything or to spend money.....however, it is equally true that without investment of cash (unless you sit glued to the net 18 hours a day just working your business) your business will grow slowly and painfully. A simple analogy would be to liken our efforts at trying to hammer a nail in the wall with a proper hammer.. It would be a successful attempt, quick and painless...however, trying to achieve the same result with your hand (in place of a hammer) would be a slow process, painful and bloody and the results may or may not be what you were aiming for.

I think most of us have already heard the tortise and the hare story, where the slow, consistent tortise beats the fast moving hare in a race....because the hare is so confident of his speed that he relaxes and doses off while the slow tortise, one step at a time edges his way to the first position in the race.

Our business SFI is like a tortise – slow and needing commitment, time and effort ... a conscientious attempt towards all three. It does not just get up and gallop away like a hare. In other words – work the business consistently and you will reap the results in time. This is not a Matrix which builds up quickly, rewards those on top and then dies down leaving behind many thousands of people who have invested heavily into it – in the lurch. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Instead, it is a get very wealthy slowly kind of a business.

As with most online business this business too needs certain skills. A working knowledge of computing and a willingness to learn more is of utmost importance. Learning is key to this business. In the last almost 2 years since I joined this business I have learnt so much about computing and Internet marketing, that, if I had joined a University course to learn the same, I would have paid thousands of dollars for the same. However, SFI has given it all to me absolutely Free.

You need to learn online Advertising, whether it be in ezines, magazines, social or other sites, in classified ads etc. Maintaining your own website, blog or pages are also of prime importance as they give you an ability to brand yourself and get exposure on the net. You can also learn to write articles or special reports for other websites.

You need to learn to think, act, behave like a leader and lead all your downline to success. You also need to learn to create a follow up system, in order to train and teach and lead your downline. You need to learn SEO so that you can get a better ranking for your pages with Search Engines. Above all you need to learn organizational skills, so that you can do all these things without feeling the stress and strain of it all. With all these do's there are also some don'ts the main of which are to give up reading and wasting time on free e-books, junk mail or learning videos etc.Don't keep joining new sites and try to spread yourself thinly between all - unless you have time. So , just concentrate on what's important and do that and success will follow.:)

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Our Price: $3.65
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