Sunday 19 January 2014

My first paycheck from SFI!!!

Just imagine the wonderful feeling, when you get a commission cheque for the first time from a business you are building. It is such a fabulous feeling .... and it happened for me from the very first month that I joined SFI.

I remember the feeling of elation I had - when I got an email from SFI telling me that my commission was for the month was in. I was ever so excited!!!

My first cheque was for a paltry sum of $1.98. However, it made me realize that the company I had joined was a real company not a fly by night scam company!

Still for the first year or so, I treated SFI as a hobby and a learning curve in my life, rather than a real business. Oh, I invested a fair amount of time in it.....and would invest just enough each month to become an EA.....but that was it. So SFI paid me back as a hobby would.

I really enjoyed, and am still enjoying the learning from my new business. Know that, SFI teaches you everything you need to know about your business....and that too for FREE. If I had had to pay for all the knowledge that SFI has imparted to me, I would have had to paid 1000s of dollars to learn all that I have in the past two years.

However, now that I have actually realized the potential I hold in my hands through the business and am capitalizing on it....the business too, has started paying me back as a business should. 

So, if you are in the SFI business or considering joining it, know that it is a million dollar business. It is definitely not a get-rich-quick scheme ...however, if you lay a strong foundation for it, it will pay you back a thousandfold....)

If you would like to know more please feel free to write to me at Please feel free to leave any comments for me ... positive or negative......every comment will help me in my growth as a blogger. :)

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