Thursday 16 January 2014


Some tips on winning in auctions

Look for something that appeals to you personally, or, if you are going to resell it..look for something that most other people will want.

2. Mark out and bid only on those auctions that are marked Double MRP, Winners Bid Free, or are giving you free TCredits or VP if you win the aucton.

3. Before you start bidding, if you really want to win, do ensure that you have at least 1000 TCredits in hand (of course it depends on the price of the item up for bidding. The higher the price of the item the more TCredits you might need. Do ensure you have them in hand.

4. Make sure that you are enlisted for quick TCredits, in case you do run out. You don't want to miss out on winning just because you run short of a few TCredits.

5. When you are a "High Bidder" and immediately after that someone else places a bids a few times, know that they are on AutoBidder and stay away for a while - else you stand to waste your time and money.

6. When you see that the auction starts at 10 seconds per bid, know that the end is in sight. (However, even that period can go on for a couple of hour or more) If you really want that item and know that you have at least 1000 TCredits in hand that is the time to put on your Autobidder. In most chances you will win.

7. Make a budget of how far you want to go with the bidding and stick to it. When you bid at Auctions, you get action VPs, which we need to reach a set rank. We can get upto 500 VPs each month in return for using 500 TCredits for bidding. Plus, we also get 5 MRP per bid that we make, so we never really loose in Auctions. And if you bid in Double MRP Auctions you get 10 MRP per bid....and it adds up quickly. You can then turn around and spend the MRP on products or even to buy TCredits with.

8. Betwee 2AM and 5AM in the US is the best time to contest in the Auctions. Also the end of the week and the end of the month are better times to try and win auctions. Items that are not much in demand are also normally won easily with a small outlay of TCredits.

9. By watching and learning from Auctions you can see how many items are won for less than $1.00

10. Develop a repution of always being a winner and people will shy away from bidding when you are around....which means cheaper auctions for you.:)

11. Make it a point of winning, no matter what the cost, things you really want...that will help give you a winner reputation.

12. SFI has a quota on how many items a person can per day or per week. When the winners have won their quota they go for "Unlimited" acutions - because that is the only place they can go and win again. Watch these Auctions between winners and learn from them and enjoy them.

13. Improve your chances of winning by getting to know who the fierce competitors are, and staying away from these can also check to see if someone has won a lot of TCredits lately and stay away from bidding if they are.

There are no time limits for the Auctions, some finish in a very short span of time and some are still going even after 6 hours. However, if an Auction is close to the end the bids will only go up to 10 seconds.

But, hey auctions bring about action VPs that are very essential for reaching BTL level. They are also a lot of fun, and you can win upto 500 VPs for the first 500 bids you make in a month. Along with that you also get 5 MRP for each bid you make. You do use 1 TCredit for each bid but heck, if it takes you to the next level of payment with SFI, who am I to complain?

So here are some pointers that have been given to me by friends who do a lot of bidding and also tips given by SFI itself on winning in the auctions.

1. Keep trying, Lady Luck will smile on you sometimes.

2. Only bid in those auctions that give you Double MRP, VP or TCredits, or something that you really fancy and would really like to have.

3. Make a note of when you are bidding, and there is someone who bids right after you - that person has Autobidder on, so the likelihood of you winning is extremely slim (unless the bidding goes on for to long and your opponent runs out of TCredits)

Try the AutoBidder yourself when you have at least 1000 TCredits or so.

List Price $47
Our Price: $4.99
You save $42.01
List Price $6.99
Our Price: $1.6
You save $5.39
List Price $10
Our Price: $1
You save $9.00
List Price $12
Our Price: $1
You save $11.00
List Price $35
Our Price: $2.75
You save $32.25
Our Price: $42
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