Friday 7 February 2014

The SFI Opportunity - once again!!!


Opportunities just don't get any better than this one.  Listed in the Better Business Bureau as a rock-solid business - this Company has been around, online, for over 15 years. In these 15 years it has paid out millions of dollars in commissions to its deserving Affiliates.

This business is Free-to-join. It offers you free personalized websites; free knowledge and support; free education and training and a number of essential business building tools also free. In fact, everything you need to build this business is given to you free. 

If you had to go to pay a University for the knowledge, training, support and tools that our business gives to its members for free - you would be looking at spending thousands of dollars. But, we get it free - all we need to do is put in the effort and time to build a really strong business.:)

Strong Future International is the main site  that I have just told you about. And TripleClicks is an off-shoot of SFI, which is also given to us free (websites and all) upon joining SFI. TripleClicks is a Global Online Store and has over 75,000 products for us to sell, if we wish - so we can earn commissions from the sales. Of course we can also (and should) shop at our own store if possible.

If you are enterprising and know someone who has goods and services to sell, you can introduce them to TripleClicks - also for free as an ECommerce Associate. This a win-win situation all around. They get to advertise for free and don't pay a cent till they make a sale - and when they make a sale they only pay a paltry sum of 15% commission - on the sale product only. You get a commission on the sale for having signed them up under you and everytime someone buys something from them, you will get your commission on it. Once they join under you, they are your ECA's for life.

TripleClicks also has a Penny Auction site called Price Benders where you will find brand name products being sold at dirt-cheap prices. 

Wave 3 is a freebie site also linked to TripleClicks. You get access to all this for free when you join SFI.

However, if building a business does not tempt you, but shopping does then please feel free to join TripleClicks alone. There is no compulsion to join SFI if you don't wish to.

So, how do members of SFI make money? Basically there are six easy ways to earn an income from SFI. Direct Commissions, TripleClicks Executive Pool, Co-Sponsor Commissions, TCredits Bonus, ECA Royalties, and SFI Pay-Per-Action!


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