Friday 22 November 2013

My SFI journey upto now! :)

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A short intro to myself is that my name is Ritu Anand. I am 61 years young and live between India and Australia. Currently, I am and have been in India looking after my precious 85 year old mother who is in very bad health. As her sole carer I spend a lot of time at home and hence I wanted to earn an income online, so that I could work at it whenever I have time and wherever in the world I happen to be.

I have been with this business now for 22 months. :) Initially, when I joined I was very skeptical about the business, so I treated it more like a hobby and a learning curve in my life. Although, I was used to the computer, a lot of the stuff that I have learnt has been in the last 22 months – many thanks to the free knowledge, training and support base that SFI has given us. I enjoy learning and wow! SFI gives us a college degree in Internet Marketing without charging us a cent.

However, I went Executive Affiliate each month - with a little bit of investment on my part, after the second month. In return I got a small payment each month (that helped me believe that yes, this company seemed to be genuine). I also got 2 Free CSAs each month to add to my network.

I had a lot to learn and so I spent most of my time doing that...I was not ready to go further in rank yet, as I wanted to know what I was doing so I could lead my team properly. Besides, I was not dependent on this income to come in right away. So I have taken it slowly but surely to a stronger foundation....this month....I will go BTL.:)

You see over time, I talked to my upline and other people on the SFI Forum. I learnt that this, indeed, is a very strong, debt-free company and people are making a lot of money from it. So, I decided that it is time that I give this business the respect that it deserves and treat it like a real business rather than a hobby.

I learned that SFI has been around for over 16 years, making people financially free. Gery Carson has been around for even longer with Carson the program we have in front of us comes from someone very much in the know of things. SFI is based on many tested and reviewed other programs with the best given to us, in SFI.

Keep focused on your dreams and see the potential this business offers you. You can work from any part of the world, at whatever time you want and earn from all over the world, even when you sleep.......... You can build a residual income for yourself without even leaving your home. Can it get any better than that?

Now, here are some words of wisdom, from someone who's been there and done. I have spent a lot of time getting to where I am, because I was doing it alone. So eventually, I started chipping away at the free information provided by SFI and others in the business.

I finally reached the conclusion that I can, if I wish, - build an SFI business with no investment on my part. However, that will take a lot of time and effort and its like trying to hammer a nail in the wall with my hand, painful and bloody.

However, if I buy myself a hammer I can get the job done quickly and painlessly and get paid a lot sooner. More cost effective and user-friendly on the whole this way. If you keep in mind that Rome was not built in a day and neither is an SFI business. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme, keep that in mind always and just chip away at the business one day at a time and it will all fall into place eventually.

The richer the manure in the soil you use for gardening the quicker and hardier the plant will be. It is the same way with this business. If you treat it as a million-dollar business that it is, it will reward you accordingly. So that is what I have started to do now and yes, business is progressing very satisfactorily.

This month I stopped advertising for PSAs. I have now decided to buy sign-ups each month and that will help me find the people I am looking for. It only costs me about 50cents per sign-up, but I get them in a couple of days and so there is momentum and motivation to build further.

I have done it the hard way and spent a lot of time in trying to learn the ropes, but I can show you the easy way to do it. You can reach me at Also, please go through my LPage at in order to read the messages I have left my team so far. It will be helpful in building your business.

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