Sunday 6 October 2013

SFI Compensation Plan!

SFI Compensation Plan

As you know SFI is the networking side of our business. The sales side is TC. Every product available at TC is given a Commission Value. CV is dependent on the margin of profit that an item sells for on TC. Higher margins mean higher CV - it's as simple as that.

CV comes from Direct Commissions from Affiliate or TC member sales of people personally sponsored by you. Once they are in your network they become your customer for life and SFI looks after all the related work involved.

CV also comes from the TC Executive Pool. 40% CV of every listed product on the TC site is shared amongst the qualifying Affiliates. Once an Affiliate reaches Team Leader Status, they get matching VP for all their downline EA2 in 6 levels - this also includes CSAs.

As an Affiliate reaches higher levels Bronze Team Leader, Silver Team Leader, Gold Team Leader and Platinum Team Leader the rewards become more and more generous. These matching shares equal a good chunk of money at the end of the month.

Qualifying Team Leaders, in order to earn these matching VP, must keep retaining TL status. They also need to have at least a 3 star rating - from 5 PSA's and they must have maintained their Leadership Page during this time.

Co-Sponsor Commissions at the rate of 15% are also given to qualifying Affiliates and as a Team Leader matching VPs are also applicable for all CSAs.

Alongside 2 CSAs are alloted free to each qualifying Executive Affiliates (min. 1500VPs). Of course CSAs can also be won in the Daily Grand contest; or in PriceBenders Auctions. If you are in the running for the E365 Finalist drawing, you can also win CSAs from there.

Thousands of CSAs need new Co-Sponsors each month as people loose their EA status and along with that they also loose any CSAs they have acquired till then. As a TL a share of these CSAs automatically come into your network as your CSAs. Again the higher your TL designation the more CSAs you acquire.

TCredits are a bonus to TC members and can be bought singly or by the hundreds. They can also be recieved free when you achieve EA2 and above. As always, the higher you are on the success ladder the more you receive free.

The ECommerce Associate Program is another very lucrative and significant part of our business. You do the work just once and introduce an ECA to the business and once they sign up and list an item for sale you get 100VP, and any sales that they make from that time and forever earns you a 10% comission in CV. Depending on the sales each ECA generates, you can find yourself getting fatter and fatter in the wallet and staying that way for is like royalty income. Do the work once and get paid for the rest of your life.

Refer people to your own sponsored ECAs and earn upto 55% CV on the sales, due to a combination of Direct Commissions and ECA Royalties. Secondly, by buying from your own ECA you will earn "rebates" on your purchases.

SFI Pay-Per-Action (SFIPPA) is a program available for those people who want to try and make money quickly. All Affiliates can make use of this program, whereby the Affiliate earns supplemantal income for getting people to fill out forms, etc. This varies in accordance to whether those who have signed up are TC members or SFI members.

You can get complete details on this topic by visiting

The SFI Compensation plan is generous, fair and simple to understand. There are six different ways of earning laid out for us, as given above. You can buy stuff you would normally buy from different stores from your own business and earn commission on it - thereby, decreasing the price of it at the end for you.

SFI also pays you in your own Country's currency via Payoneer MasterCard, cheque or PayPal. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to post them for me to respond to in the comment section of this post. Have an awesome day.:)

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