Thursday 19 September 2013

SFI Rocks! Here's why!

List Price $54
Our Price: $35.8
You save $18.20
Our Price: $15
Not a TripleClicks Member? Learn more about the many benefits HERE.

SFI Rocks! Here's why!

SFI rocks for many reasons. It is easy to understand and free to join. Free websites, free training, free support, free mentorship, free tools etc. are all provided free. There are no requirements for any purchase at all. Of course, if you wish to build a business quickly, you will need to either have sales going through your network or do some buying yourself. SFI gives its deserving Affiliates payouts by way of Direct Commissions

It is easy to make long-term residual income with SFI. Just find some regular customers who put in standing orders for IAHBE or other products. Or, find some ECommerce Associates who join your network and sell through it. Over the years, leveraged and residual income will result from this association.

Once you get to the stage where you get matching VPS for your downline sales, you will start to share in all the sales made at TripleClicks each month. And you can get paid through your own Payoneer Debit MasterCard, or PayPal as you wish. You can also get a cheque sent to you once you have accumulated over $35 in commission.

TC is our online global store and it is growing at a phenomenal pace as one of the fastest andmost popular ECommerce sites. We get shares in TC profits because it is our store. As SFI Affiliates, we get immediate access to the store and all the products therein are ready for us to sell and earn commissions from them. Already at this time TC has over 98,000 products listed for sale from over 4000 ECommerce sites listed with TC, from over 190 countries. Can it get any better than that?

Our ECommerce Associates program, is the best. We get to sign up new ECommerce partners anywhere in the world and every time someone orders an item from them, we as the signing Affiliate get a chip out of the sales commission. The best part is that TC and the ECommerce program is only just in its infancy, can you imagine how big it will grow in a period of 10 years. Can you imagine what that will mean to our businesses?

So, in a nutshell SFI is our main business. We network from here. SFI gives us access to TC, the ECA Program and Wave 3. These are all related to our global online store TC. PriceBenders is a very exciting and lucrative side of TC. It is here that our Penny Auctions are held for brand new branded items at highly discounted prices. As the name suggests the bids go up by one penny with each bid.

I hope I have been able to give you a clearer picture of SFI by now. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to list them in the space allocated for comments. I will bring you more information in my next blog. Till then Dream - Believe - Strive - Achieve and have an awesome day attaining some worthy goals.

List Price $54
Our Price: $35.8
You save $18.20
Our Price: $29.95
Not a TripleClicks Member? Learn more about the many benefits HERE.

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